CAMAC Device Driver on Soraris2.x Release 1.30 6-Dec-1994 Yasuo TAKEUCHI (Tokyo Inst. of Technology) ************************************* ***** UNDER DEVELOPMENT VERSION ***** ************************************* This distribution is a test version, and it contains a CAMAC devece driver, a CAMAC library, and two sample programs for the SPARC/Solaris2--SFVME. The CAMAC functions for SPARC/Solaris2 is fully compatible with those for SPARC/SunOS4, and almost compatible with the CAMAC drivers on some machines developed at KEK. The example programs and the CAMASM/CAMEXE in "camac.sparc-1.22d.tar.gz" can be probably used. It is available on the Anonymous-FTP site of "". Any comment about the CAMAC driver on SPARC is welcome. Please send it via E-mail to "". *********************** ***** RESTRICTION ***** *********************** The CAMAC block transfer by using DMA isn't available in this version. (sorry... it is under development. please wait!). Other CAMAC fuctions (single action, list processing, and LAM interruption) work probably, through they aren't tested entirely. ************************ ***** INSTALLATION ***** ************************ 0. connect SPARCstation, SFVME, K2917 and K3922, and then install the device driver for your SFVME according to its manual. 1. check Makefile and compile. make 2. copy and load CAMAC device driver. su make load exit (3.) execute sample programs. cam1 cam3 (4.) To remove the CAMAC device driver, type as follows. su make unload exit ******************************* ***** OTHER INFORMATIONS ***** ******************************* Hardware & Software: (our environment) Sun Microsystems, Inc. Sun SPARCstation LX Solaris2.2 Solaris2.3 Solflower Computer, Inc. SF-110, SFVME-116 Kinetic Systems Corporation K3922-Z1B (CAMAC CC) K2917-Z1A (VME-CAMAC interface) History: v1.30 test release under porting from the CAMAC driver for SPARC/SunOS4 v1.22d DMA dosen't work well ============================================================================== Yasuo TAKEUCHI Department of Physics, E-mail: DEC-net KEKVAX::TAKE Tokyo Institute of Technology Internet 2-12-1, O-okayama, Meguro-ku, Tokyo 152, JAPAN Tel. 03-5734-2388 (dial in) FAX. 03-3720-9083 ===============================================================================